Sanergy for children

Everything in the Universe is Waves, vibration frequencies, subtle aspects of our environment that our eyes are not able to see.

Children interact directly with these frequencies.
This interaction occurs mostly between 2 and 7 years old,
and has a protective and recreational function.

The child is a blank book
The conclusions that the child imprints on his or her belief system during this stage are fundamental to his development and who he will become and how much he remains connected.

We are the creation of those who guided us in the childhood stage.

Children don't question themselves.
They believe in energy because they feel it.
They play with energy because it tickles them.

They heal because they have certainty when they do.
They believe in magic, they have fun, they love being magicians.
They make Sanergy without judging it.

They are so connected to what they feel, that they know when they are hungry and when they are not, when to leave a place and when to stay.

Children tune in easily.

Children and animals are connected.

They do not need the Connection

From 16 years old (with signed parental permission) they can be connected.