What is the meaning of Sanergy?

healing + health + energy

Sanergy It is a technique, philosophy of life and profession, which fuses healing, well-being and energy., changing the way of thinking to access a higher vibration.

It combines elements of quantum physics, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Neurolinguistic Programming, Neuroplasticity, Reiki, EFT, Ho'oponopono, among others, becoming an effective method that allows you to obtain faster results to create the reality you want.

Wellness technique

It is a technique endorsed by APENB and prestigious Universities. It unites the best of wonderful techniques and is the summary of great Teachers and Researchers.

Life philosophy

Sanergía is a Philosophy originated by Scientific and Spiritual research. It teaches you a new way of seeing life. Seek to integrate different ways of thinking. It's acceptance and flexibility.

Career & Profession

Sanergía is a career and profession with official certification. There are more than 2000 trained Sanergists and you can dedicate yourself to it 100% or as a complementary profession.

What is Sanergia?

Sanergy is the movement of molecules, a mental and spiritual force that resets the cells of the body and brain. The self-corrective system is activated and starts from the first session.

The most important session

The connection

The Sanergetic Connection is done only once in a lifetime, two consecutive days and less than 30 minutes each day. It connects you with your original design, your true essence, it restores harmony between the energy lines of our body and the energy network of the planet and the Universe. It allows us to advance in a state of balance, activating a continuous exchange of light and information, appropriate to each being. Increase brain activation, awaken a new DNA fiber, awaken your intuition, senses and creativity. 


Director of Sanergia.

Ale García Calvo

For more than 20 years I have been a Counselor in Psychology (Person-Centered Approach) and Healing Coach, from there I began to specialize in different disciplines related to the therapeutic world.
Then I discovered Sanergía, which came unexpectedly, and I didn't know what it was but I was certain that it was what I needed to complete myself. 

It was like this, in my worst financial moment and with 6 children at home, I worked and saved to travel and do the Sanergía training, I did it 11 times. Today I am Master of Masters and, since the departure of the great Alessandro Di Massi, the creator of Sanergía, I have become the director of Sanergía.

Frequently Asked Questions

No, Sanergía is not limited only to situations of illness. It can also be applied to maintain an energy balance, prevent diseases and improve general well-being, but above all, continue with personal development and have access to infinite possibilities.

Yes, upon completing the training, you will be able to offer Sanergetic sessions and Sanergetic Connections. Many professionals have built successful careers based on Sanergía.

The session lasts between 18 to 20 minutes in person, and is with the laying on of hands.

The vast majority of my clients do not have any pathology; They just want the Connection to avoid it. Searching themselves, they find the information they are missing. The Connection connects each one with their Higher Being, with the Original Design, with their hidden intelligence, awakening amazing hidden powers. We never talk about patients. These are participants, since once activated, the Mind itself participates in the result. We put this into motion.

Of course. The client knows why he has come, his intention is evident. On the other hand, the Sanergist wants his client to evolve and enjoy a new state of consciousness and for him to realize the hidden abilities he has. 

How can a therapist believe that he or she does not intervene in the process? We are not 'just a channel', we assume our responsibility. The Sanergist commits, gets involved, concentrates, notices, feels, grasps. The client will not reach his destination in a taxi without a driver. It is too easy to say: Trust in God, trust in the Universe, trust in the Supreme. Having faith, of course, is important. However, we are in the information century and people distance themselves from the mystical and mysterious, they know that they have to commit and be willing to participate in the process without waiting for 'someone' to always solve their things.

“The intention shows that not only the person comes to be healed but also comes to report that “there is something more” since he or she gets involved; That is why it is important to confirm to people that their intention counts since more energy is revealed by participating in the process.”

Of course the best. We can expect the launch of an unstoppable process that no one will be able to stop. A constant union will be created between you and the Universe. The Sanergists are the conductor of this unstoppable process, the symbolic "connector with the source of high-speed information."
Unstoppable because once started it cannot be undone. It is a decisive step in life and is done only once.
There are participants who have increased their intuition, their psychic abilities and their gifts of clairvoyance, channeling, automatic writing, connection with their guides... Others have developed great creativity and have seen their business grow. Many notice, in the short or long term, physical corrections in their body, their organs, arteries, joints; Everyone has noticed improvements in their health. Furthermore, everyone, without distinction, has developed healing and self-healing abilities and is more aware of the things that make them sick.

How can a therapist believe that he or she does not intervene in the process? We are not 'just a channel', we assume our responsibility. The Sanergist commits, gets involved, concentrates, notices, feels, grasps. The client will not reach his destination in a taxi without a driver. It is too easy to say: Trust in God, trust in the Universe, trust in the Supreme. Having faith, of course, is important. However, we are in the information century and people distance themselves from the mystical and mysterious, they know that they have to commit and be willing to participate in the process without waiting for 'someone' to always solve their things.

“The intention shows that not only the person comes to be healed but also comes to report that “there is something more” since he or she gets involved; That is why it is important to confirm to people that their intention counts since more energy is revealed by participating in the process.”

Your Mind is neither in your body nor in your brain. It is in the Etheric Field of the planet. When they taught you to speak they disconnected you from divine information and connected you to the "poor" human mind. Caveman and most animals use more brain capacity. Since they lack words, they have developed other values ​​such as telepathy, intuition and vibration. Once connected to your Mind (your original design) there will be no limits to the capacity of your brain.
At fertilization, a new vibration was created. It was the Connection (the Original Design) that channeled the flow of information that allowed the creation of small eyes, fingers, hands and ordered cells to commit suicide to allow the fingers to separate... and form a new being.
"We have been disconnected from the right information."
Thanks to Connection and Attunement we will once again find a state of plenitude by becoming aware of it.
It is good to be present at a Sanergist conference or talk for the success of the Connection and to understand the mechanics of life since we will realize that we are part of something more, something very powerful.
Conferences allow for more entertaining and anodyne information to be given, so it is advisable to attend to become aware of what is really being talked about. Unstoppable because once started it cannot be undone. It is a decisive step in life and is done only once.
There are participants who have increased their intuition, their psychic abilities and their gifts of clairvoyance, channeling, automatic writing, connection with their guides... Others have developed great creativity and have seen their business grow. Many notice, in the short or long term, physical corrections in their body, their organs, arteries, joints; Everyone has noticed improvements in their health. Furthermore, everyone, without distinction, has developed healing and self-healing abilities and is more aware of the things that make them sick.

How can a therapist believe that he or she does not intervene in the process? We are not 'just a channel', we assume our responsibility. The Sanergist commits, gets involved, concentrates, notices, feels, grasps. The client will not reach his destination in a taxi without a driver. It is too easy to say: Trust in God, trust in the Universe, trust in the Supreme. Having faith, of course, is important. However, we are in the information century and people distance themselves from the mystical and mysterious, they know that they have to commit and be willing to participate in the process without waiting for 'someone' to always solve their things.

“The intention shows that not only the person comes to be healed but also comes to report that “there is something more” since he or she gets involved; That is why it is important to confirm to people that their intention counts since more energy is revealed by participating in the process.”

Since we are all unique, the process manifests itself differently, uniquely and differently in each person. We have been 'programmed' all our lives, I don't want to do it here. Let it surprise you. "It will be what was planned just for you." We are in the information century. He who has the information has the health.

Sanergists are neither doctors nor psychologists; The title of "Sanergist" is not an academic medical title. Together with my Sanergist colleagues, I am not trying to advise you against the use of medication, treatments with natural or pharmaceutical products. The best medicine is the one that heals you. If one thing doesn't work, you have to... try something else. Once connected, the person perceives more the things, situations or people that harm their physical and/or mental health, that 'consume' them, 'immobilize' them, damage them. Animals let themselves be guided by vibrations, by their instinct. The set of vibration and instinct is established in people who really want it since if we become stubborn, closing ourselves in on ourselves, we will not be able to alter our vibration, stagnating in the current one.
That is why karma is called the entire process that is established in a life and this means that other possibilities can be chosen, since karma is a sequence of memories and cases that are established in a person and does not have to be the same as the former. We have the power to choose, let's do it.

It is compatible with all existing treatments. The activation of the Mind sets in motion an unstoppable self-healing process. If medication is necessary, medication will be more effective. Logically, the doctor will reduce the prescription when seeing the results.

That is why karma is called the entire process that is established in a life and this means that other possibilities can be chosen, since karma is a sequence of memories and cases that are established in a person and does not have to be the same as the former. We have the power to choose, let's do it.

Sanergía is integrated in a complementary way with any therapeutic practice or medication, Sanergía only does good.

Sanergía optimizes the results of health professionals by helping to recover the balance and well-being of their clients, without the need to touch them, products or medications.

Although Sanergía takes parts of Reiki, Sanergía differs in being a technique with a new, higher vibration, incorporating the connection with the fifth dimension and contains the result of many other techniques.

Yes, Sanergía and connection are safe for pregnant women. In fact, it can be beneficial in promoting a healthy pregnancy and reducing the associated stress. And if you're already pregnant, you're doing your baby some good.

Sanergía goes further by being not only a technique, but also a philosophy of life. Addresses more than 900 energetic and emotional imbalances, offering a comprehensive and holistic approach. Sanergía is the sum of the best of many techniques.