Masaru Emoto (1943 – 2014)

- You! You are 70% water.

– When you were an egg recently fertilized by a sperm, you were 95% water! But I dare to give another answer to your question...


-Water is God's messenger. Like Thales of Miletus, the first pre-Socratic philosopher, I maintain that water is the arche, the beginning of all things.

What is it based on?

– Water is the vital fluid, life circulating. Life, in the cosmos, expresses itself as water. This has always been known! It is universal and ancient knowledge. But... we have never investigated it.

And what should be investigated?
– How water is capable of storing information.

“Water is capable of storing any information in the universe.”

Masaru Emoto studies water “Water records messages”
Victor-M. Amela interviews Masaru Emoto
Published in the newspaper Lavanguardia – Spain – September 9, 2007

What information?
– Any information from the universe. Water resonates with any vibration and collects it.

This is very cryptic...

- No! The colors, sounds, music, magnetisms, ideas, emotions, thoughts, intentions. .. They are vibrations, wave frequencies!

And can water register them?

- Yes Yes! You have to investigate it. For now, I have looked for a way to make this capacity of water visible.


– Through microphotographs of the frozen water crystals. It is water previously exposed to certain vibrational information. Those crystals express that information.

You'll have to explain it to me better.

– Yes. I drink water from a fountain. In the laboratory I distribute it into 50 Petri dishes, 0 cc. of water on each plate. I expose one plate to Mozart music, another to heavy metal music, another to insults, another to loving thoughts, another to an emotion of a group of people...

And what happens to that water, in each case?

– That water resonates with each vibration. I freeze that water and then let it thaw under the microscope. When the crystals appear, I photograph them.

Oh yes, I have seen those photographs...

– If the water received a message of love and gratitude, it crystallizes into beautiful hexagons!, with dense, rich, beautiful geometries…

And what does insulted water do?

– Does not form crystals! Or deformed, irregular, tortuous, broken, ugly crystals appear. The same thing happens with water that has “listened to” heavy metal music, so charged with anger against the world.

There are those who like…

– It's true: now I want to do the same experiment without anyone in the room, and then with someone who likes that music. What will the water record, the anger of the music or the enjoyment of a person?

You leave me crystallized.

– I applied the Japanese word “thank you” to a bottle of water: that water formed a splendid hexagonal crystal. I applied the word “stupid” to another jar with water from the same spring: it did not form a crystal.

Does water “read”? Or did he register her emotional vibration, Emoto?
– Hum… I should investigate it better.

Is spring water pure?

– Yes, although it depends on the spring. In principle, the higher the height, the better… But the most important thing is that the water circulates.


– When water flows and circulates, jumps and swirls, it is happy. That water produces some stunning crystals!

What is the most beautiful crystal of water you have seen?
– That of some spring in Japan. And that of some transformed water. ..


– I drank distilled water: it barely formed crystals. I placed that water on the photograph of a girl, the daughter of a friend. She formed a nice crystal. Shall I tell you another case?


– I drank water from the Fujiwara Dam. A group of people, guided by the reverend monk Kato Hoki, then dedicated a prayer to the water next to the lake, for an hour…

Don't tell me that water appreciated it...

– The water before the prayer formed a very deformed, horrifying crystal. The one after... formed one of the most beautiful and luminous crystals I have ever seen, a hexagon that is a work of light art.

If this is so, could we thoroughly purify water?

– Let's study it. Certain wise men of ancient Egypt mastered water thoroughly and even breathed it...

Perhaps Moses, who parted the waters of the sea, was one of them...

– I maintain that we can charge the water with beneficial vibrations and use it as healing water.

Something like this is homeopathy…

– And Bach flower essences. And the so-called HADO water, charged with subtle energies through magnetic resonance. We still have a lot to learn from the messages of water!

“Vibrational board: We know that the Earth is water. That life began in water. That we are water. That water transmits sounds more fluidly than air. As if water were a vibrational blackboard, as if its atoms wrote.
Emoto maintains that if you project a thought into a glass of water, that water collects and stores it. If the thought is one of love and gratitude, that water will become healthy: offer it to whoever you want to benefit. Research the science all of this.
Meanwhile, Emoto's poetic vision revives the world, re-enchants it, beautifies life: it turns all the water on this planet into your extension and reflection. To every sip of water, to every drop of shower, to the river in which I bathe, to the sea: love and thanks! Health."