Louise L. Hay (1926 – 2017)

Interview with Louise L. Hay

What to do to change your partner if he or she is negative?

We can never try to change our partner, the only thing we can do is change ourselves and ask ourselves: What do I have inside me, what attracts a negative partner?

What do you think about the unexpected death of a family member?

We live many lives and each time we die in a different way and at a different time. Each experience is perfect for the growth of our soul even if our logical mind does not understand it. Each one chooses their moment. The first year is the hardest and then after this year of mourning, life offers you the opportunity to make a change.

What can we do to free ourselves from anger?

Rather than freeing ourselves, let's talk about dissolving. Anger is a reaction, if it is about something from the past, let it go. We are co-creators. Everything that is outside is a reflection of ourselves. We must not blame ourselves and we must understand the process of life. As we deal with it, anger lasts less and less unless we hold on to it. A very valuable affirmation is: “I am going to free myself from the need to be angry.”

What are the guidelines for success in business?

If our only goal of achieving success is money, we are condemned to suffer. The most important thing when seeking success is to ask yourself, what can I do to help people? It's great to bless the people in your business with love and know that one has the product that another needs. It is wonderful to bless the building, the table, the chairs, the employees, and the customers with love.

What do you think about homosexuality?

I think it's time for us to welcome our gay brothers. Finally, scientists discover that there is some different gene in them, it is something you are born with and I think that God never makes mistakes.

What happens after death?

We live many lives. I like to imagine that life is a theater and that we are experiencing the character with whom we can learn the most, when we finish we simply take off the costume and later perhaps we will return to perform another play.

What do you think about the Course in Miracles?

I respect him very much and at another time I studied him. The Course says that all illnesses come from not forgiving, from clinging to the past.

How do we know that we evolve spiritually?
When our life starts to work. If the mind, body and spirit are balanced our life works.

Do all negative thoughts come from another life?

No, I think this is an excuse, no matter what happened in another life, you have to free yourself from it, let it go. Here in this life we ​​begin again.

What about in vitro fertilization?

This is a very interesting question that no one has ever asked me before. I think the baby has to go to a certain place and at that moment this is the vehicle she uses. The soul chooses that path. In any case, I am against the amount of money that is spent on it, I think that when you don't have children there is a reason, maybe in this life it won't be your turn.

What is depression?

It is an anger inward. When a person has been holding onto his emotions for a long time, his anger, his resentment, his guilt, etc. Depression is a temporary state unless we confront it.

What can you tell us about allergies?

The question I ask is who do we have allergies to? They are usually related to emotional difficulties.

What do you do when there is a problem in your life?

I directly like to state: “Everything is fine. Every problem is for me supreme good. I find the solution to this problem. I am safe." It is amazing to see how the universe gives you the solution and also the problems last less and less.

Published in Red Alternativa magazine.