Alessandro Di Masi

Interview conducted by

Interview conducted by with Alessandro di Masi where he tells us what his new and revolutionary philosophy of life consists of, which is Sanergía.

Complete conference by Alessandro Di Masi in Hellín

VII Science and Spirit Congress

Complete Conference by Alessandro Di Masi at the VII Congress of Science and Spirit held in Barcelona on May 7-8, 2011.

Connection, Session and Healing

Connection – Session – Healing. Alessandro Di Masi explains their differences.

Girl with Bulimia

Experience with Bulimia. Alessandro Di Masi their differences.

Sanergy and Libido

Sanergy and Libido. The improvements experienced with Sanergía.

Sanergy compatible with Everything

Sanergía is compatible with any treatment, enhancing its benefits.

Sanergy and its good results

With Sanergía we have the best results.

9 Sentit – Sanergy and The Creator

9 Sentit talks about Sanergía and the book The Creator.

The power of our hands and thought

With thought we shorten distances.